
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

prEsenting! our tEddies.

finally,after several bincang2 so kami decide utk menjual TEDDY BEAR.hehe.we hav mcm2 teddy tau for every occasion! christmas,valentine,graduation & many more..macam2 kaler,saiz depends on ur choice.sumenye kiut2.hehe. =) enjoice yaw! 

ini valentine punye.
ini graduation punye.

ini birthday punye.

ini krismas punye.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

tedy bEar? bantaL? ch0c?

em.nk jual ape ek? sumthing cute dan berguna.huhu.ade blog jual bantal 2 comel jekk.murah plak 2.haish! mcm2 ade.bantal,keychain,henpon case,bla bla bla..korg tggu jela ape yg kami bakal jual nnt.hehe.wait tau!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

RBT 3110

actually,blog ini adalah esaimen kami utk subjek di atas.huhu.RBT 3110 means perniagaan &,we hav 2 create diz blog 2 sell anything.partner saye,cida amat m'cintai bidang jual2 ni.haha! (jgn mrah ye cida)..okehla,hopefully everything goes well & diz blog will attract sape2 yg view it kayh. byebye!
hye! we're new please do the most view to our blog.hee =) love yaa!